Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Active Resolutions

Hair dryers are for hair on head only.
Following some very stereotypical cliche New Years resolutions I have started my quest for increasing my activity. With a job that requires so much sitting it is difficult to find time to move, attend to family life, eat healthy, sleep and everything else. I do have a rant stirring inside me about the lack of athletic clothing and gear for larger people. If you want folks to exercise and to participate in activities it means making comfortable clothing and gear in all sizes. We want Gortex, we want large-calved ski boots, we want quality snowpants, we want funky and cool styles too! And don't even get me started on how going to a pool for an aqua class and a gym to ride a bike feels like death for an outdoor adventurous. However, I was humored with this sign in the bathroom at a local pool.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Anything to maintain power

http://www.operationworld.org/files/ow/maps/lgmap/russ-MMAP-md.pngHow can it be that on Jan 21, 2017 millions of women marched all over the world to highlight the need for change, to break glass ceilings, to challenge misogyny and the patriarchal, to have Russia put forth a bill to decriminalize domestic violence against women? WTF?

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Women's March Vancouver

I attended the Women's March and it was so good to be a part of this awakening movement. Issues of local colonialism, the highway of tears and missing and murdered women were front and centre. There were also many creative and inspirational signs calling for us and our allies to stand together in solidarity. Glad to be one of three million people marching around the world.

Toddlers Grab. Adults get Consent.